
Blender The Shipwright 2.8x 2.9x


A Blender set-up which allows you to dynamically create interesting looking objects like Sci-Fi ships and parts.

This automates the process of extruding and manipulating objects.


  • Create a wide range of objects based on seed values: It takes at least 10-15 seconds for the add-on to recalculate with the default set-up.
  • Dynamically change parameters and the objects will automatically update.
  • Creates objects that can be further edited and combined in Blender.
  • Access to the full functionality of all the supporting add-ons at a discount. Animation Nodes can be downloaded separately.
  • Packaged in an easily configurable way.
  • An editable lattice deformation cage is created and attached for further shape changes.
  • The default material can be changed to suit your needs.

Inspired by the online Shapewright generator:

Pre-requisites and requirements

This uses the freely available Animation Nodes by Jacques Lucke and uses my other add-ons:

Please note you will need all of the above add-ons for Shipwright to work. Shipwright will come with all these add-ons as standard other than Animation Nodes which can be downloaded here.

Already have the add-ons? If you have already supported me by purchasing these, see the pricing options to get the core set-up without certain add-ons already bundled.  Please check you select the right option, as the set-up will not work without the required add-ons.

I recommend you are familiar with the concept of Animation Nodes and the other add-ons before purchasing.  If you have any questions before purchasing, contact me via the ‘Contact Creator’ button on my main Blender Market page.


Version 0.0.8

  • Performance Improvements: Based on some work in Houdini, a setting has been introduced to control where faces have the Plating Generator effect added: This will only select faces with an area above a specified value.  Adding plates to too small a face was causing performance issues and harming topology.
  • Texture improvements: I have added some improvements to the default texture to add better specular effects:

