Avenza Geographic Imager for Adobe Photoshop v6 0-AMPED Windows

http://www.avenza.com/geographic-imager/:: AMPED PC PRESENTS

Avenza Geographic Imager for Adobe Photoshop v6 0-AMPED Windows

Release Date: 2019-10-04
Protection: License Release Type: Application
Requirements: Adobe Illustrator


Working with raster imagery doesn’t have to be complicated. Geographic Imager mapping software enhances Adobe Photoshop to make working with spatial imagery quick and efficient. It adds tools to import, edit manipulate and export geospatial images such as aerial and satellite imagery. Enjoy the use of native Adobe Photoshop functions such as transparencies, filters, pixel editing, and image adjustments like brightness, contrast, and curve controls while maintaining spatial referencing

Mosaic and tile images, transform projections, georeference and rectify images using an easy and interactive workflow. Batch-process your imagery using Geographic Imager and Adobe Photoshop scripting capabilities Geographic Imager supports GeoTIFF in Adobe Photoshop and many other industry standard raster formats

Geographic Imager has the ability to create map packages fully compatible with the PDF Maps app for iOS and Android. Map publishers who sell maps can upload map packages directly to the PDF Maps Store

HOW TO INSTALL/RUN THIS RELEASE- Avenza Geographic Imager for Adobe Photoshop v6 0-AMPED Windows

o1 – Unpack the release into a directory of your choice
o2 – Run the installer and install it
o3 – See included amped.txt
o4 – Enjoy this fine AMPED release, but buy it if you will use it
o5 – As always, make sure to have a firewall to block outbound connections


Geographic Imager

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