X Particle 4 For Cinema 4d For 1 Month


Why X-Particles?

An essential component of an artist’s toolkit, X-Particles is the solution to satisfy all your particle needs: Cloth, Smoke, Fire, and Fluids. Designers can switch effortlessly between motion graphics and VFX, within a unified system.


Smoke, Fire and Advection

Realistic smoke, fire and explosive simulations. You can export ExplosiaFX as a VDB volume, and any render engine that can read the VDB data can then render the volume data.

Fluids and Grains

Our Liquid and Grain Solver enables you to create stunning large and small-scale fluid simulations, from ocean beaches to beautiful product shot splashes.


Drive Cloth simulations with any Modifier, then rip it apart with the advanced tearing options. ClothFX adds a whole new dimension to motion design effects and destruction VFX shots.

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