
Wise Care 365 Pro + Portable Windows Optimization

Wise Care

Wise Care 365

It is a set of applications for registry, disk and other parts of Windows. This software is very easy to use and has effective results, which is a good solution to improve the performance of your computer. Clear, integrate and optimize the registry, integrate and free up hard disk space, protect privacy, recover lost data, hide files or folders, prevent unauthorized use of personal programs, turn off auto-shutdown Computer, free memory, etc. are some of the features that this software provides to users.

What can Wise Care 365 do?

  • Clear, integrate and optimize the Windows registry
  • Integrate and free up free hard disk space
  • Protect your privacy by deleting any traces of your personal activity in Windows
  • Recover lost files
  • Hide your important files and folders
  • Avoid unauthorized use of your personal programs
  • Automatically shut down Windows
  • Free up memory for better use of games and increase the performance of heavy programs
  • Ability to use the “One Click Tune-up” feature to optimize the computer with just one click

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Version without the need for installation (Portable)
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