
[Victory 3D] Hard Surface Character Creation in Zbrush

Year of issue : 2019
Manufacturer : Victory 3D
Manufacturer website :
Author : Pierre Rogers
Duration : 13:07:35
Distribution Type : Video Tutorial
Language : English
Описание : In this course, we will explore hard surface character creation with Zbrush. The material covered can be used within workflow for 3D print, concept art, as well as map generation for games and animation assets. Throughout the journey, we will sculpt, slice, and polish over 30 million polygons exploring many new and old techniques and features. Some of the topics covered are various brushes and tools essential to hardsurface sculpting, rebuilding dynamesh models into subdivision levels, applying and editing materials, posing, light and rendering, as well as photoshop render compositing. By the end of the course, you should have the skills to create a professional looking hardsurface character to add to your portfolio. Content 1.Intro
2.Interface, Tools and Techniques
3.Sculpting and Modelling the Character
4.Pose, Light, Render and Composite
