
Drive SnapShot + Portable Backup of drive

Drive SnapShot

Drive SnapShot

It is a small program for backing up the entire drive. Drive Snapshot creates a Disk Image of your system on a file that includes the operating system, installed programs, your data, and all security information on your system. While Windows is running and you are doing your job, this software takes an image from your device. Drive SnapShot lets you backup your system partition or hard disk drive, as well as create a disk image of your system. If the problem occurs (Virus, Trojan) in less than a few minutes, you can fully restore your system. This Image File can be used as a virtual drive, so you can easily restore your files and directories using Windows Explorer or other programs.

Drive SnapShot software capabilities

  • Create an image disk when Windows is running.
  • No need to restart DOS mode
  • There will never be a need to restart.
  • You can continue your daily routine while the program is backing up.
  • It is possible to use on servers and other computers that are working 24 hours a day.
  • Drive Snapshot creates a virtual driver that you can use to unlock built-in images.
  • Full compatibility with a variety of system files such as FAT16, FAT32 and NTFS

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