
CreativeMarket – 3000 Photoshop Stamp Brushes Bundle [ABR]

picYear of issue: 2020
picНазвание: 3000 Photoshop Stamp Brushes Bundle
picOfficial site: CreativeMarket
picProject ID: 5657270
picHandout: Brushes
picFormat: ABR
“3000 Photoshop Stamp Brushes Bundle” – a stylish and elegant brush pack for all occasions … Includes the most popular artistic and effect brushes (.abr files can also be opened in Procreate)
Only useful tools and drawings, a wide range of variety. These brushes will save you time on every project. Just load these brushes into your Photoshop and enjoy! Add realistic and abstract effects to your photography, design, artwork, or use these brushes as a decorative element for your Instagram images, social media, and more.
Many will appreciate it.
System requirements:
Photoshop CS4 and above ( English version )
All brushes are around 2500 pixels / dpi 300
534 Paper Photoshop Brushes (~2500 pixels, Cardboards, VIntage and Clean Paper, Collages)
975 Various Effects Photoshop Brushes (~2500 pixels, Particles, Dust, Splashes, Flour, Foil, Cracks, Glass, Sand, Claw, Powder, Destruction, Sparkler, Stars, etc. )
686 Artistic Photoshop Brushes (~2500 pixels, Canvas, Chalk, Crayon, Acrylic, Ink, Watercolor, Charcoal, Decalcomania, Paint, Marble)
285 Underline Photoshop Brushes (~2500 pixels, Underline, Dividers, Calligraphy)
120 Textile Photoshop Brushes (~2500 pixels, Textile, Tartan, Cloth, Fabric)
105 Halftone Photoshop Brushes (~2500 pixels, Halftone Shapes, and Gradients)

Additional Information:
The material is provided solely for educational purposes.
There is also a big ( huge ) request to all – this material should not be re-uploaded to other resources. Hope for understanding.
