
Code Vonc Spline Guide

pline Guide align hairs along a spline dynamically.


C4D R20 :
– Strings correction.

v 1.1 :
– Hair selection tag management.

v 1.0 :
– Segment and way choice of the spline, new fixation mode.

v 0.9 :
– Adding shape, thickness, torsion and noise controls.

v 0.8 :
– Compatible R14, R15, R16.

Copy the folder « vonc_splineguide » in the folder « plugins » of Cinema 4D.


Download – Examples







Hair / Selection :
Drag here your Hair object or your Hair Selection Tag.


Spline :
Drag here the spline to guide your hair.


Strength :
Set the strength of the effect to the hair : mix between the deformed state and the normal state.


Radius :
Set the action radius of the deformer on the hair guides.


Power :
Set the speed of the guides to adapt to the spline.


Invert :
Invert the spline.


Segment :
Set the segment of the spline.


Offset :
Set the offset of the guides along the spline. The guides have to be Fixed before set the offset (see next point).


Fix/Restore :
When the guides are not fixed, they naturally slide on the spline according to their move.
Fix the guides at the good time to keep in memory the target position on the spline.
Technically, it saves the offset of each guide. Theses offsets can be globally changed with the Offset field.

« Fix to root » allow to fix the guides to the root of the spline. The spline must be near the guides for a better result.

The number represent the number of values saved in the memory (number of guides * 2).


Thickness :
Set the thickness and the shape of the guides along the spline.


Torsion :
Set the rotation of the guides.


Noise :
Set a noise to entangle the guides.
