
Blender Market – Onion Skin Tools For Blender 2.8 and MotionTrail3D for Blender 2.81

Onion Skin Tools For Blender 2.8

This is not the same plugin as “Slash: Onion Skinning.”

Onion Skin Tools provides animators with object onion skinning in Blender’s viewport. Visualize the action of your animation instantly without even moving the timeline cursor! No more animating in the blind!

With Onion Skin Tools, you can

Generate onion skinning for any mesh-able objects, even entire multiple-object characters or creatures, on arbitrary frames or over a user-defined frame range.

Make informed posing decisions! Compare poses on previous and later frames side by side while you pose your character or creature rig on the current frame.

Stop guessing! See at a glance the arcs of your action without even changing the current frame.

MotionTrail3D for Blender 2.81

MotionTrail3D allows you to author arcs in 3D world space. The 3D-controls are implemented as normal Blender objects. They’re selectable and transformable through normal Blender means. Keys can also be added and deleted through normal Blender means. As you modify the local channels, the 3D trail will also update in real time, even if the animation is playing.
