
Auto-Highlight In Outliner v3.4 For Blender

While Blender does have a button to expand the Outliner to show the selected object, it requires an extra button press each time. With the Auto-Highlight in Outliner addon, this process is automated, saving you time and effort in navigating a large scene with many objects.

Here are the setup instructions for the Auto-Highlight in Outliner addon:

  1. Download the Auto-Expand to Selection addon as a zip file.
  2. In Blender, go to Edit > Preferences > Add-ons.
  3. Click the Install button at the top right corner of the window.
  4. Navigate to the zip file and select it, then click Install Add-on.
  5. Enable the Auto-Highlight in outliner addon by checking the box next to its name in the Add-ons list.
  6. To activate the Auto-Highlight feature, go to the Outliner and click on the Filters dropdown.
  7. Toggle on the ‘Auto-Highlight’ option to enable the feature.