-What you’ll learn
Character Texturing
Substance Designer
Substance Painter
Unreal Engine 4 Basic and Advanced Materials
Unreal Engine 4 Lighting
Unreal Engine 4 Sequencer
Xgen for Character Modeling
Basic understanding of Character Modeling and UV
Know your way around Maya
Paitient and Enengy!
– Description
This course demostrates the process of texturing, making materials, lighting, and rendering of a complete character in depth.It is following the character modeling series and continues on the rest of the character createion, It covers state of the art techniques and tools to bring a modeled character to life and beyond. Substance, PBR workflow, Unreal Engine realtime rendering will be taught in detail. Color, Composition and Lighting will also be introduced in order to help the student to achieve good aesthetic. Many other small trick including animation, quick rig, and dynamic simulation will also be demostrated in the course to give the student more power on their presentation.
– Who this course is for:
Beginner to Advanced Character Artists
Technical Artists
UE4 Game Developer
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