Customer Journey
- Only one version of Cinema 4D:
- No more Prime / Visualize / Broadcast / Studio / BodyPaint editions.
- All functionality is in the one version, no separate editions anymore.
- Demo and Educational versions are no longer separate downloads.
- Demo and Educational can be upgraded to a commercial version.
- New Licensing Solutions
- MyMaxon Account:
- Allows Sign In / Sign Out - entitlement can be moved between devices.
- When creating a MyMaxon account, a 14-day trial license is automatically created.
- Real-time licensing, buy and use immediately
- Remote license retrieval - release a license remotely via your MyMaxon web portal.
- New Maxon License Server:
- Runs as service on Windows and daemon on OSX/Linux.
- Web-browser interface.
- Different Maxon Accounts can pool their licenses on a single server.
- Greater control over license for client and server.
- Graphical view of license use, current and past.
- Detailed license view of ownership and validity.
- Extended log and info messaging.
- RLM Licensing:
- Greater flexibility in license selection.
- Improved Installation:
- Online installer - faster, hassle-free installation.
- Offline installer - small download, more languages supported, faster installation.
- Merge Scenes on Drag-and-Drop.
- Show Import/Export Dialog Preference (option to show / suppress dialog by default - alt-click inverts default behavior).
- File selector now appears after export settings (rather than before).
- Updated CAD format support:
- New, Improved support for Solidworks, STEP, Catia, IGES, JT formats.
- Option to import instances as Regular or Render Instances.
- Import hidden objects with "_hidden" name suffix.
- Caps and Bevels:
- Improved constrained / internal bevels via Straight Skeleton Algorithm.
- User-defined Bevel Shape via Spline UI.
- Option to Link Start/End Caps.
- Delaunay Cap Skinning.
- Library of Bevel Presets.
- Additional and more obvious automatic selection sets for Shell, Edges.
- Caps and bevels are always created as a single object.
- Volume Builder and Volume Mesher:
- Vector Volumes.
- Improved UI for Volume Filters.
- Cache Layer.
- Spline UI to define scale along spline.
- Curvature Vertex Map on Volume Mesher.
- Modeling Core:
- Dramatic Speedup in migrated commands including Extrude, Extrude Inner, Split, Polygon Group to Object.
- Migrated Tools (Point Extrude, Weld) preserve surface attributes like UVs and Vertex Colors.
- Copy / Paste Components (points and polygons).
- Primitive Caps (Cone, Cylinder, Capsule, Oil Tank, Torus, Tube and Figure) are now welded.
- Landscape object pivot remains at the bottom of the generated object.
- Improved Grow Selection command.
- Improved performance of Isoparm Display.
- Region-based selections support backface culling.
- UV Editor Enhancements:
- Migrated Texture View to OpenGL:
- Supports Anti-Aliased display of UV lines.
- Improved redraw Speed.
- UV Component highlighting.
- UV Transform Gizmo.
- UV Ruler display.
- Quantized UV transformations.
- Snapping support for UV points and edges.
- Viewport selection automatically updates UV component selection.
- Connect Objects + Delete now sets the axis to the bounding box center of selected objects (Alt sets to the last selected parent).
Materials and Rendering
- Denoiser (Intel Open Image Denoiser)
- Node Interface Improvements
- Node Spaces and 3rd-Party API
- Interactive Drag and Drop (Ctrl-Drag to Copy Nodes)
- Rearrange Node Ports
- I/O Nodes
- Edit Asset mode
- Asset protection
- Physical Render Nodes
- Custom AOVs (Multi-Pass)
- Line node
- Spline Mapper node
- Multi-Trace Ray node
- Cells Node
- 2D Nodes
- Average Area
- 2D Blur
- Cache
- Kernel
- Get Context Node outputs vertex positions of sampled polygon
- ProRender
- Node Material support
- Volume Rendering
- HDRI Out of Core
- Camera animation included in Linear Motion Blur
- New Diffuse, Direct Illumination and Wireframe Render Modes
- New Multipasses:
- Ambient Occlusion
- Direct Illumination
- Indirect Illumination
- Direct Reflection
- Indirect Reflection
- Indirect Diffuse
- Refraction
- Volume
- Albedo
- Interactive Tone Mapping via Picture Viewer Filter Tab
- Render Queue - Option to disable auto-renaming
- Interface Enhancements:
- Support for HiDPI monitors on Windows.
- HiDPI Viewport on Windows, Retina Viewport on macOS.
- Improved Interface Speed (especially in Timeline).
- Modernized Light and Dark schemes.
- Improved menus and minor adjustments to Default layout.
- macOS Menu Bar support.
- macOS Dark Scheme support
- Reset Scheme Colors option.
- New Shortcuts:
- Save Incremental: Ctrl+Alt+S
- Texture View Fit to Screen: H
- UV Transform: Ctrl+T
- Normal Scale: M~-
- Melt: Alt+Backspace
- Dissolve: Ctrl+Backspace
- Improved Default values
- Improved OLE-based Drag and Drop file exchange
- Project Asset Inspector:
- Supports Images, Videos, Sound files, External files, IES Lights, GI Cache, MoGraph Cache, Substances, Volumes.
- Supports Objects, Tags, Viewports, Render Effects, Materials and Shaders.
- Consolidate command collects all assets associated with the project.
- Group by Asset Name, Type, Element Type, Layer, Take, Node Space, Format.
- Info Area displays information about selected asset.
- Quickstart dialog
- Enhanced Splash Screen
- Default Material preference (choose which material type is created when double-clicking in the Material Manager).
- Asset Linking preference (always copy textures, always use absolute path).
- Color Chooser enhancements:
- Swap Colors
- Swatches in Color Chip Context Menu
- Color Swatches palette can be resized
- Spline UI enhancements:
- Double - Scale and copy existing curve
- Symmetrize - Scale and mirror existing curve
- Commander now remembers last input
- Custom, colorizable object and tag icons
- User Data tag
- User Data Manager - save and load presets
- Attribute Manager now indicates when selected object count exceeds AM Edit limit.
- OS-specific Feature Highlighting
MoGraph and Animation
- Field Force object:
- Dynamics and Particle Advection (influence the velocity of particles and dynamic objects with Fields).
- Field Interface enhancements:
- Sub-fields appear as children in field list.
- Fields can be used as masks for another field.
- Channel Convert Field Layer - convert between value, color and direction.
- Normal Tags can now be used as fields, and have a field list (for use Target Effector, Field Force, etc).
- Character Animation:
- Improved Auto-Weighting Algorithms (Bone Glow).
- Weighting Workflow Improvements.
- Mixamo Control Rig.
- Connect Objects + Delete can merge Weight tags of individual objects into a single Weight tags
- Repeat, Offset Repeat and Oscillate in Track Before / After now default to 0 / unlimited repetitions.
- Align to Spline tag values can now extend beyond the 0-100% range, allowing easy repetition and parametric animation.
- Thinking Particles support for all particle forces (via PForceObject).
- Reorganized Extensions Menu for easier access to scripts and development tools
- New licensing tools
- Python: UserData Tag to store user data parameters
- C++: Python scripts can now be executed from within C++ code
- C++: New render_filter.framework to implement custom render filters
- C++: AutoWeightInterface allows developers to define custom auto-weight algorithms
- C++/Python: Functions to adjust AutoWeight settings and execute AutoWeighting
- C++: New Geometry Utility functions
- C++: New function to bake a 2D representation of a BaseShader - BaseShader.BakeShaderIntoBaseBitmap()
- C++: New Flag in Material Plugin registration to allow 3rd party materials to be set as the default material
- C++: New Color Utility functions
- C++: New Volume Utility functions
- C++: New Debug Utility function DiagnosticVarOutput()
- C++: New Utility function to create salt and hash for storing encrypted passwords
- C++: New Tension property in SplineData
- C++: GeUserArea enhanced to support line drawing via ellipse, bezier and polygon, additional line styles and opacity
- C++/Python: New flag to define the border style of Static Text in a GeDialog
- C++: Developers can now define BubbleHelp/Tooltips within TreeViews
- C++: CommandData virtual functions include a Parent manager GeDialog argument
- C++/Python: AOV multipasses can be created via RenderData.InsertMultipass()
- C++/Python: New method GetRecentDocumentList() returns the recently-opened documents
- C++/Python: New SceneFilter options for use with LoadDocument
- C++/Python: Functionality to define custom Object and Tag icons and icon colors (NodeData.Init() / MSG_GETCUSTOMICONS)
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