
Cinema 4D – Dynamic Rope Simulations Tutorial

[Source] Simulation Therapy

Cinema 4D - Dynamic Rope Simulations Tutorial 1

Cinema 4D - Dynamic Rope Simulations Tutorial 2

Cinema 4D - Dynamic Rope Simulations Tutorial 3

Cinema 4D - Dynamic Rope Simulations Tutorial 4

In this tutorial by Simulation Therapy, you’ll learn how to create some realistic dynamic rope simulations using the HoRope plugin in Cinema 4D.

We’ll also cover how use Illustrator to create a seamless and tileable textures and Substance Alchemist to output bump, displacement, normal, and roughness maps needed to achieve a photoreal render. Finally, we’ll build a Redshift material from scratch and wrap it up with adding lights into our scene and rendering out our simulation.

Part 1: Cinema 4D

Part 2: Illustrator

Part 3: Substance Alchemist

Part 4: Redshift

Project Template:

Dynamic Rope Texture Pack:

Default Cinema 4D Scene:

Cinema 4D Layouts:

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